My next portrait subject is someone whose songs were a steady part of my childhood soundtrack. Her voice is simultaneously mingled with my memories of car trips and when I hear her sing I am transported into nostalgia (plus her voice os AMAZING and I never get tired of hearing it.)

She is an incredible talent and has performed a dizzyingly HUGE range of different musical genres. I just watched an amazing documentary about her which I highly recommend. It was so good I watched it twice! (THE SOUND OF MY VOICE, in case you want to watch it.) She is legend, LINDA RONSTADT!!!!

I went a little abstract with the hair using an electric blue to create the reflective light.

The picture quality in the 70’s was not the greatest but I really adored this portrait. I am not sure what I love the most; the curly, backlit tendrils of hair, the feathered mushroom shaped style on the top, or the flower pattern on her gauzy black dress. LOVE it.

Love the electric black hair!

The funky dress pattern.

That eye make-up and hair are the best!!!

Well thanks for stopping by and joining me on my portrait adventures! I love to do commissions so please message me if you are interested in your very own embroidered portrait.


