My next portrait subject is someone I became aware of when I first saw him at the Oddball Comedy Festival back in 2014. There was an amazing line-up of comedians and this guy happened to be one of them. When he stood up to perform, the crowd went wild and everyone kept talking about his podcast ( What the heck was a podcast, I thought). It is none other than MARC MARON!

He has been a professional comedian for 30 years, at least, but for some reason I had not been aware of him until 2014. After many years struggling to get by and conquering addiction problems, he became very well known for his podcast called WTF (which he started in his garage) and his career seemed to really hit it’s stride.. He has authored books, written and starred in his own show (which was great!), had his own radio show, and currently has been acting as well as touring his comedy.

What I really admire is how he stuck with his dream and achieved his notoriety much later in life.

I really enjoyed making this portrait. I listen to his podcast regularly in the quiet hours I spend making art so it felt like a natural choice.

I really love sewing glasses. I added some blue and white above to eyes to represent the reflection of the glass.

The hair was very challenging with a lot of different shades of browns and some hints of gray.

I love sewing the facial hair.

The shirt was a real challenge. It was denim, which I don’t think I really achieved the look of, but I still like the end result. The reverse stitch was a great detail that really added to the overall look.


That’s all for now! Thanks for joining me on my portrait adventures.


