My next portrait subject was so unexpected and turned out to be one of my most complicated works to date. I was wondering out loud who my next portrait subject should be and my son had an image that immediately came to mind. He suggested an album cover. (WHAT??????) So I asked him to show it to me and I was blown away. He knew I couldn’t resist it.

This took FOREVER!!!! I used thread meant for the sewing machine so it was super thin and fine which allowed for great detail but also was much more labor intensive.

I love this image so much I really was unsure whether to tackle it, as it so perfect already but I enjoyed the act of seeing it come to life in thread. I am not sure what I liked the most about this image. Maybe it was the ombre look of the outfit and those delicate shades of periwinkle cascading down, draped like ribbons.

Maybe it’s the delicate hints of red in the umbrella-like hat or the braids of hair peeking out.

Maybe it’s the hint of pink in his palm or the deep contrast between his skin and the subtle shades of blue.

The draping at the bottom felt like it would never end. I listened to tons music and podcasts before making a dent in it.

I finished it off by adding a metallic thread for the bracelet. It made me curse. A lot. Metallic thread at the end of a long project is never a great idea but I do like the look of it so it was worth it.

The more I spent time looking at the image, the more things I found to appreciate. I think what makes this so stunning is the unexpected surprise of the wearer and what a cool juxtaposition it is.

Well thanks for stopping by and joining me while I geek out about another portrait.

Next week there will be some more quarantine boredom busting craft ideas.

Stay safe and healthy out there!


