My next portrait subject was a face that has been in my subconscious since I could remember. He has been in so many of our houses that you will likely recognize his face, too. Insiders know him as Larry. He is the one and only QUAKER OATS GUY!


Larry has had some work done. Back in 2012 he had some chin fat removed and a little hair trim but has maintained his rosy cheeks and kind blue eyes.

The truth is, Larry was not an actual person. He is a man dressed in quaker clothing to project images of purity, honesty, integrity, and strength, according to the quaker oats website.

I think they were highly successful. This portrait is so grounding to me. I didn’t even realize until I sewed his portrait and, of course, now I see him everywhere! On all our oatmeal boxes, quick cooking oats and rice cakes. He’s everywhere!


It was really fun to recreate a painting. So much different than a photograph. I especially loved the color variation in his face.

Those sparkly blue eyes are what make his face so warm, in my opinion. That and the rosy cheeks.

Those sparkly blue eyes are what make his face so warm, in my opinion. That and the rosy cheeks.

I loved doing the highlights and shadows in his jacket and scarf.

I loved doing the highlights and shadows in his jacket and scarf.


Thanks for following along on my portrait adventures.

Please message me if you are interested in a commissioned piece.

Hope you are all staying well out there!


