It all started with a poppy.

My cousin Jenna asked if I could create a poppy line drawing which could be a potential tattoo design. She was looking for a simple black poppy line drawing and wanted to add a splash of color just behind the flower part. I was so enamored by her idea that I decided to create it in thread. First I made a painting of a single poppy. I learn so much about a subject by painting it! Really though, it just was pure fun. This oriental poppy is the kind I have in my garden and I used a reference photo from that.

Next, I used my photo references to create a simple line drawing with a brush pen.

Once I was satisfied with my design, I traced it onto a piece of stick and washaway then affixed it to a piece of cotton fabric and hooped it tightly. Ready to stitch! I used one thread and all black backstitch to complete the stitching. A single thread really allows for fine detail.

I removed the fabric from the hoop and rinsed away the stick n washaway.

Next I got out my paints!

I added a little dab of water to the fabric then dotted the wet area with paint.

Wouldn’t this be stunning as a tattoo? She’s a genius!

Still experimenting, I added some greenery.

Tempted to add some stray stitches, I decided to try my hardest not to overwork it, always a big challenge for me. I liked how this project revealed itself through the process and the idea of not knowing the end result until I actually arrived there. The concept that every object radiates more than just the eye can see is what this ended up representing to me.

Thanks for visiting. Hope this inspires your own creative journey!


