Ever wished for a different way to display your embroidery? I love hanging my embroidery right in the hoop that I made it in but sometimes I want a variation in shape. Today I am going to experiment with hanging a small embroidery project on a canvas frame.
I happened to have this frame hanging around. There was some botched sewing on it so it was perfect for this project since I will be removing the canvas.
Above is an example of the canvas frames I am referring to. The canvas is stapled to a wood rectangle frame which you can see in the side view of the picture. Find a frame size that is suitable for the embroidery you are planning to hang. I chose a 5 x 7 frame since my project is pretty small.
To add interfacing, just face the textured side towards the wrong side of the fabric . Run a warm iron over the fabric and the interfacing will adhere to the back of the fabric.
Above is what I like to use for printing and/or tracing my designs onto.
Above is the square frame I am referring to. I like to use these sometimes, as opposed to the round frames because it gets the fabric really taut but does not leave wrinkles on the fabric.
I trimmed the top and bottom of the fabric, them tacked down the sides first. I really tried to get the fabric as tight as possible before pinning it so it won’t be wrinkled or warped on the canvas.
Well, an interesting alternative to a round hoop. Pretty cost effective too.
Thanks for stopping by!